READING:We are continuing to read the story "Fire in Yellowstone". We are working on vocabulary, sequence, comprehension, using context clues, and talking about nonfiction. We will finish this story and then read "Legend of the Persian Carpet" to end the week and finish next Wed. Keep reading nightly and record on the Reading Calendar to be turned in on Monday in the Red Folders. Remember to read for AT LEAST 15 minutes on 3 separate nights....HAPPY READING! ")
This week we will be finishing our book reports with a project (in class... no worries). We continue to work on writing Weekend Reports every Monday and Squiggles every Wednesday. We are focusing on writing a complete sentence with a capital letter, a complete thought, and an endmark. We are also learning to use graphic organizers to help with our prewrites. With every sentence we write, we try to think of one good detail sentence to add to our stories. The kids LOVE winning Squiggle Puppy...We look for GREAT details, CORRECT capitalization and punctuation, and a great story! :)
Don't forget to study your words... our test is on Wednesday. This week's words:
chin check checkers BONUS: executive branch
chicken beach reach government
teacher march shape
shark shine shy
brush finish machine
If you're on a challenge list... make sure you check your agenda for the word list. All word lists are posted weekly in the agenda.
We are working on learning our multiplication facts. We are taking timed tests every other day. The students will have their completed tests in their homework folder each night. We are learning how to multiply and using arrays to help us calculate the answer. Continue to watch for Homelinks to come home in the homework folder.
We are working on learning our multiplication facts. We are taking timed tests every other day. The students will have their completed tests in their homework folder each night. We are learning how to multiply and using arrays to help us calculate the answer. Continue to watch for Homelinks to come home in the homework folder.
SCIENCE: (currently teaching Mrs. Stahlman's students)
We continue to study rocks and learning about the 3 types of rocks. (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary) Also, rocks change with the rock cycle. We are also learning how things become fossils. The students are taking notes and using a graphic organizer. We will be taking a test on rocks on the DEC. 19th.
We are still working on learning our lowercase letters in cursive! They are doing great! Keep practicing and check out the link for Handwriting Without Tears for helpful hints and practice tips. Click Here.