READING: I CAN... compare and contrast, identify cause and effect, determine meaning of unknown words using a variety of context clues, sequence text using steps in a process, determine different parts of a story, identify text features, and determine main/central idea and give supporting details, recount/retell, tell point of view

WRITING: I CAN...apply capitalization rules to my writing, use correct end punctuation marks in my writing, and use a resource to check my spelling, and research by finding a topic, search and gather information from multiple sources, and sort relevant information into categories about the topic.

MATH: I CAN... tell and write the time to 5 minutes, solve word problems by using a variety of strategies, find patterns, , create a picture or bar graph to show data and solve problems using the information from the graphs, identify and write the value of dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, skip count by 2s, 5s, 10s, and 100s, mentally add and subtract 10 or 100, identify odd and even numbers, and count within 1000, measure different objects using inches and centimeters

SOCIAL STUDIES: I CAN... learn to read a map, create a map key and put it to use.

SPELLING: I CAN... spell words correctly in my writing, use resources to help me spell correctly, and find patterns in words

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Week of Dec.16th-Dec. 19th

READING:We are continuing to reread the story  "Young Thomas Edison". We are working on vocabulary, comprehension, cause and effect and sequencing and main idea. The students are learning about different inventions and the hard work  behind them. We will be doing some invention extensions in the next week to help our students understand the hard work and determination it takes to invent new things.  In grammar, we are working on object pronouns. We will be creating an around the world book about how different countries celebrate the holiday season. We are also working on cause/effect, sequencing, summarizing and detailed creative writing using the classic story of The Grinch! Look for their projects to come home for the holidays.

 We are currently working to write creative stories. We continue to be creative in our SQUIGGLE stories this week. This is  where the students receive a squiggle mark, then have to draw something using the squiggle and then write about it! We creating  some awesome writing in our journals and we are exciting to do so many writing projects!  We continue to work on writing Weekend Reports every Monday. We are focusing on writing a complete sentence with a capital letter, a complete thought, and an endmark. We are also learning to use graphic organizers to help with our prewrites. With every sentence we write, we try to think of one good detail sentence to add to our stories. The kids will be winning Squiggle Puppy in their journal writing...We look for GREAT details, CORRECT capitalization and punctuation, and a great story! :)
There will not be a spelling test this week ....words will ALWAYS be placed in the agenda for the week. Test will always be every other WED. 
If you're on a challenge list... make sure you check your agenda for the word list. All word lists are posted weekly in the agenda.
We are working in CH7 and CH9 with multiplication and patterns. We just finished our exploration of fact extensions!! We will be working with fact families.The students will be learning how to use arrays to help solve multiplication problems. We will also be finishing timed multiplication tests. Check the agenda nightly to see what test your child is currently taking.  Continue to watch for HOMELINKS coming home weekly to work on and return. Please continue to study math facts nightly even though we are not signing our blue multiplication facts paper. We will be using our knowledge daily! :)
We are learning about rocks and minerals. Over the next few weeks we will be exploring different types of rocks and their characteristics and how erosion affects the change in rocks. There will be NO TEST for this unit. :)

We are learning our cursive letters. We are using the Handwriting without Tears program. You received a copy of the letters on Curriculum night. Keep practicing and check out the link for Handwriting Without Tears for helpful hints and practice tips. Click Here.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week of Dec 3rd - Dec 13th

READING:We are going to  read the story  "Young Thomas Edison". We are working on vocabulary, comprehension, cause and effect and sequencing and main idea. The students are learning about different inventions and the hard work  behind them. We will be doing some invention extensions in the next week to help our students understand the hard work and determination it takes to invent new things.  In grammar, we are working on object pronouns. 

 We are currently working to write creative stories. We continue to be creative in our SQUIGGLE stories this week. This is  where the students receive a squiggle mark, then have to draw something using the squiggle and then write about it! We creating  some awesome writing in our journals and we are exciting to do so many writing projects!  We continue to work on writing Weekend Reports every Monday. We are focusing on writing a complete sentence with a capital letter, a complete thought, and an endmark. We are also learning to use graphic organizers to help with our prewrites. With every sentence we write, we try to think of one good detail sentence to add to our stories. The kids will be winning Squiggle Puppy in their journal writing...We look for GREAT details, CORRECT capitalization and punctuation, and a great story! :)
There will not be a spelling test this week ....words will ALWAYS be placed in the agenda for the week. Test will always be every other WED. Our next test is Dec. 11th.
If you're on a challenge list... make sure you check your agenda for the word list. All word lists are posted weekly in the agenda.
We are working in CH7 with multiplication and patterns. We just finished our exploration of fact extensions!! We will be working with fact families.The students will be learning how to use arrays to help solve multiplication problems. We will also be finishing timed multiplication tests. Check the agenda nightly to see what test your child is currently taking.  Continue to watch for HOMELINKS coming home weekly to work on and return. Please continue to study math facts nightly even though we are not signing our blue multiplication facts paper. We will be using our knowledge daily! :)
We are learning about rocks and minerals. Over the next few weeks we will be exploring different types of rocks and their characteristics and how erosion affects the change in rocks. There will be NO TEST for this unit. :)

We are learning our cursive letters. We are using the Handwriting without Tears program. You received a copy of the letters on Curriculum night. Keep practicing and check out the link for Handwriting Without Tears for helpful hints and practice tips. Click Here.