READING: I CAN... compare and contrast, identify cause and effect, determine meaning of unknown words using a variety of context clues, sequence text using steps in a process, determine different parts of a story, identify text features, and determine main/central idea and give supporting details, recount/retell, tell point of view

WRITING: I CAN...apply capitalization rules to my writing, use correct end punctuation marks in my writing, and use a resource to check my spelling, and research by finding a topic, search and gather information from multiple sources, and sort relevant information into categories about the topic.

MATH: I CAN... tell and write the time to 5 minutes, solve word problems by using a variety of strategies, find patterns, , create a picture or bar graph to show data and solve problems using the information from the graphs, identify and write the value of dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, skip count by 2s, 5s, 10s, and 100s, mentally add and subtract 10 or 100, identify odd and even numbers, and count within 1000, measure different objects using inches and centimeters

SOCIAL STUDIES: I CAN... learn to read a map, create a map key and put it to use.

SPELLING: I CAN... spell words correctly in my writing, use resources to help me spell correctly, and find patterns in words

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week of November 1

READING:We are still reading the story "The Book of Think". We are working on vocabulary, discussing problem solving, comprehension, and picture riddles. The students will NOW be bringing home some problems to solve with you that can be pretty tricky! (Since we DIDN'T get to do them last week!) So keep your minds open and try your best! Keep reading nightly and record on the Reading Calendar to be turned in on Monday in the Red Folders. Remember to read for AT LEAST 15 minutes on 3 separate nights....HAPPY READING! ")

This past week we used our PUMPKIN PROJECTS to write descriptive paragraphs about our pumpkins... then we switched paragraphs and GUESSED which pumpkin belongs to who! The students did an AWESOME job and we had a LOT of FUN...I KNOW the F word... we have been using that A LOT this week! Look further at the pictures of all their GREAT work! They are on display for you to come and see! We continue to work on writing Weekend Reports every Monday and Squiggles every Wednesday. We are focusing on writing a complete sentence with a capital letter, a complete thought, and an endmark. We are also learning to use graphic organizers to help with our prewrites. With every sentence we write, we try to think of one good detail sentence to add to our stories. The kids LOVE winning Squiggle Puppy...We look for GREAT details, CORRECT capitalization and punctuation, and a great story! :)

Don't forget to study your words... our test is on Wednesday. This week's words:
safe           season      sell                     BONUS:   executive
sent           seven        silly                                      judicial
sister         soft           sunset
cell             cent          center
celebrate   city           recess                         
If you're on a challenge list... make sure you check your agenda for the word list. All word lists are posted weekly in the agenda.

We continue to work with all types of Measurement. We measured all kinds of things around our classroom and the kids had a blast! As I said... we have been using the F word A LOT! We have been using tape measures, yard and meter sticks and rulers. We are now learning how to determine perimeter.  Continue to watch for Homelinks to come home in the homework folder.

We will continue to study Government for the next 2 weeks.  You will be able to see all their neat projects displayed in the hallway and around our classroom! The students will learn how the national government works and also how our local government works as well. We will also be discussing the importance of voting and being a good citizen. We will be registering to vote so we can do KIDS VOTING on NOVEMBER 2nd. Remember to go out and vote in this important election! We are finishing up our Map skills unit with a Global Address Book. It is turning out really neat!

We are still working on learning our lowercase letters in cursive! They are doing great! Keep practicing and check out the link for Handwriting Without Tears for helpful hints and practice tips. Click Here.

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